Hey, Mindfully Moody Tribe! 🌈✨ Get ready for a soul-nourishing journey as we dive deep into the magical art of building trust with the most important person in your life – YOU!
It's 2024 and you've done your vision board, created your manifestation list, maybe you're even practicing visualizations. And that's amazing, we're doing. it too! And today we're diving into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to nurture dreams into realities, with a blend of trust, flow, and discipline.
Living in alignment with your intentions is a balance between intuition and routine—where one misstep can lead to self-sabotage, but we're here to share the strategies that keep us balanced and focused. We're ripping up the blueprint and drafting a new one for daily habits that pave the way to personal growth, leaving behind the digital clutter (we're scrolling too long too!) for meaningful engagement and envisioning our ideal selves in 2024.
Join us for a heart-to-heart that promises to spur self-reflection and maybe, just maybe, ignite a spark to fuel your next big leap.
Sara & Hannah
FREE Self Doubt Workbook Download here with our favorite information, tools, and tips to ditch the self-doubt you may be carrying to live a life full of self-acceptance and self-love!
Speaker 1: 0:04
Hello everyone, welcome back to Mindfully Moody, a community and podcast built on the goal of helping you reach your tourist potential. My name is Hannah and I'm joined by my best friend and co-host, sarah, and we are so excited to have you on another episode of Mindfully Moody. And yeah, I'm bringing it back to the OG intro.
Speaker 2: 0:25
We haven't been doing it for a while, I know. Okay, we should just take a moment to celebrate that we have been doing Mindfully Moody for two years.
Speaker 1: 0:36
Wow, that's crazy. I'm so proud of us. That's a long time.
Speaker 2: 0:42
I know, I know it's like it's so. It's just so interesting how time has went and I feel like it took us a lot to actually make the jump of like okay, we're going to do this, we're going to try this, we're going to see how it goes, but to now be like and we've been doing that for two years is like damn, that's a long time.
Speaker 1: 1:07
I think we can officially say that we're podcasters. Yes we are mentors, we're coaches, we're podcasters. Like we have been doing this consistently, like we literally didn't miss one single week last year, last year, in 2023. That's weird, except for Christmas, which we just took the break. That's it, and like that is, I'm freaking proud of us. That's badass.
Speaker 2: 1:32
I know that is badass. I'm. I feel like it just shows, you know, if you have an idea of something that you want to do, you can do it. You know we get all these stories that we have in our heads of like you can't do it, whatever, you're not good enough, who's going to listen to that? You don't have enough information, you're not educated enough, whatever it is. You know all the stories that we told ourselves before we started and then it's like, oh wait, no, I can, I can do it.
Speaker 1: 2:03
It's so interesting too, because I think something that like a mindset that we've gotten to of, like when we started the podcast, we're like we're just going to do it, like we're going to do it, we're like we really committed to it. Like I mean, honestly, I'm someone who I feel like commits to things. Sometimes it's good when we're having this conversation, I commit to things and then I end up losing steam and then I don't prioritize it and it's like we have committed to this because we set something in our head that like we want to do this and we've done it. And that's crazy. I think a lot of people like say they want to do something, they start doing something and then they lose steam and they lose the why. I think like why, you know, why are we doing these things?
Speaker 2: 2:45
Wow, that's actually so interesting to think about. Like, why did we stick with it? You know, like, why did we? Because, you're right, there's so many things that, like me, I've set out to do that I haven't done, you know. For me, what comes up, though, is like when something just is super aligned to you, it's easier to do, you know, and also having a partner that's, you know, supporting you in it like who knows, if you would have been doing this individually, would you be this far? If I would have been doing it individually, would I be this far? You know, it's easier to like kind of give up on yourself, because you're not letting someone else down. You know, there's some sort of like psychology there too.
Speaker 1: 3:31
Also, like this is just perfect segue into this conversation that we're having about trusting yourself.
Speaker 2: 3:36
I love when it works out like that.
Speaker 1: 3:37
I know. But also like if you're thinking about why it's worked, like it's fun for us right, like we're literally just two besties having a conversation and like so I think it's like one for us to connect like, since we don't live in the same city, I think it's such a nice time for us to come together and like process what we're experiencing, but also, yeah, I think, having that other like commitment of the other person and like holding each other accountable, like we almost don't want to let each other down. So we're like, yeah, we got to do it, we got you know, and it's totally, it's been so fun. We did have moments, I think on year one, where it was kind of like, even on year two, where we're kind of like, oh, like do we want to do this? We, you know, like what is this for? Kind of thing. But then like refocusing on like the why and like how valuable it is and like also, how can we create more fun in the process, which is huge, like making this like fun, and I feel like that's a huge thing in like our life. If we want something, if we want to achieve something, if we want to be at a certain level, like how can we bring in more fun like that feminine aspect to make it flow easier in that process of doing something?
Speaker 2: 4:49
Yes, oh my gosh. I love that we're having this conversation because it's making me think about, like, how can I do this for other aspects of my life, of if we were able to build this commitment, building trust with ourselves, with each other. You know, what can we learn from what we did on Mindfully Moody and, you know, bring that to parts of our, the rest of our life. I think that the topic of building trust has been really just, I don't know, coming up for me a lot lately, because I feel like there are some areas in my life where I'm like, yes, I got it, I trust myself, I'm going to do the right thing, I'm going to follow through, and there are other areas that I don't and that I want to build more trust with myself in 2024. And I think a lot of people do, because when you're working on all of these manifestations and visualizations of things that you want in your life and we talk about becoming an energy match for them, that's a huge, huge, huge part of it, but there's also the part of actually doing the thing that's going to get you there, you know.
Speaker 1: 6:00
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So how do we do that? How do we stick to the things? Yeah, I think, like also always starting with the why, like, what is the why powerful enough to allow me to do this like my entire life? Like, for example, like starting a business, like in my mind Not necessarily the why, but in my mind, it's like I want to do this, for, like, I'm gonna die trying, like and I feel that with the podcast too, like I want to die trying. Like die trying doing the podcast. I mean, hopefully we don't have to do a podcast when we're like 50, but like I want to, you know, be successful at it.
Speaker 2: 6:45
We're gonna be so wise, then, though you know.
Speaker 1: 6:47
Can you imagine us on our rocker sitting?
Speaker 2: 6:50
Okay, rocker, not at 50. Yeah.
Speaker 1: 6:55
Okay, I'm imagining like us in, like this, like mountain, you're in your, you have your custom home in Colorado. Me and you are sitting out looking at this like beautiful view, sitting on rockers, because we have nice houses that have nice decks and a nice rocker.
Speaker 2: 7:17
Not because we're old, because we're comfortable, right, yeah, it's, I don't know. It's just the trust aspect for me. I feel like started. I feel like I used to have a lot of trust in myself and then it started like kind of wavering a little bit, like as I maybe got deeper on, which is just so interesting because let me just give a dissection of myself mentally I feel like as I actually got deeper on my spiritual journey, in some ways my trust like wavered a little bit of myself, like not unnecessarily and when I say trust I'm differentiating from like intuition. I'm more talking about like me saying that I'm gonna follow through on the things that I say, that I'm gonna follow through on. You know, I feel like I got so almost maybe how do I want to say this Like farther away from my masculine than I was, than I used to be. I stopped like taking the same steps that I used to to like reach goals or you know, whether it be in my business or whether it be in my personal life or my health or whatever. It's like I just kind of got more into this, like I'm gonna let things flow as they're meant to, and I love that, but I think that it disintegrated my trust a little bit in myself, because then I wasn't reaching the things that I wanted to do. Does that make sense?
Speaker 1: 9:03
100%. No, it totally makes so much sense and I feel that, too, like, as you go more into your feminine, because you want to be more in that flowy state, you give yourself more like leeway, like more breathing room. It's like you know, if you have this like health goal, you know you want to lose weight and you've committed to working out three days a week, like on Monday, wednesday, friday and on Friday you're in your Lutile phase. You're feeling emotional. You had a hard day at work. Like you know, you're feeling like just completely drained in your energy, like you give yourself that, even though you made that commitment to yourself, what's more important during that time is honoring, like what you need, and but it's this slippery slope. This thing is like really interesting because it's like, one, like tapping into what you need in the moment, but two, that it's like being in integrity, like right, like what's more important, like if you just were able to like just push through and like being your masculine and like just do the thing that you said you were going to do, is that really truly honoring yourself and like what you actually need? Like what's better than being in integrity with your word or honoring yourself? So I feel like it's like for those moments we have to be like what do I need? Like really truly, what do I need right now?
Speaker 2: 10:17
Yeah, I love that you put it like that, because it's so, it's so true. You know what is the balance between flow, intuition and discipline. You know, like, because when you look at I feel like some of the most spiritual teachers they're some of the most disciplined right Like. They do meditate every day or they do, you know, work out or do whatever their their thing is. You know they work on their, their business, their book, their podcast, their. You know like they're not letting any of that go, even if on the days that they maybe don't feel like it, they're still doing it anyway. They're showing up anyway because they committed to you know and that's not just with spiritual people, it's with you know, successful people in general show up even when they don't want to. Yeah, you know what I mean. But then I'm just like I don't want to, though when I don't want to.
Speaker 1: 11:17
It reminds me of, like what we were talking about in a side conversation on Polo, about like eating and like how. In those moments, how, and if there are things that we know are going to veer us off of our path, of where we want to go, how can we make it easier? Like isn't it? Are we able to identify points of like? I know on Fridays I don't really like to work out, so, like, how can I make it easier for myself? Is there a better day? You know, like I feel like there's like hacks that we can do in order to keep that like trust with ourself, and like or like prioritizing different things in our day in order to like show up in integrity with the things that we said we're going to do, because it can be easy, it could. Sometimes our mind plays tricks on us. It's like, oh yeah, no, I'm feeling a little tired. You know I'm in my luteal phase and then, like, so I think it's us being able to determine, like, am I like just like calling shit right now and like, just like I'm being lazy, or like, do I truly need that? And I think we're right intuition for that.
Speaker 2: 12:23
Totally, because sometimes you just get in, like you said, it's like a slippery slope, like, ok, well, you know the Friday you don't work out, and then it's the weekend, and then, like it's Monday and you're tired, and then it's Tuesday and you have something else to do.
Speaker 1: 12:40
And now you're like, I'm just honoring my flow.
Speaker 2: 12:42
OK, I guess I'm just never working out again.
Speaker 1: 12:46
Like am I in my feminine flow or am I just being a lazy piece of shit?
Speaker 2: 12:51
I mean sometimes for me I really have to check myself on that, because you know I mean same thing with food, same thing with with any spiritual practices. You know, sometimes I'm just like, ok, no, I don't want to meditate, I want to lay on the couch and watch TikTok. But laying on the couch and watching TikTok honestly never made me feel better. Meditating does. Yeah, you know it's like depending on what you think is feel better, but you know, so I don't know. For me, in twenty twenty four, that's, that's maybe that should be my word of the word of the year. Last year was embodiment, this year I mean was your word this year. I was thinking should it be trust?
Speaker 1: 13:33
Trust. Ok, wait, I want a word. I have. I saw people do this. I don't know what my word should be.
Speaker 2: 13:40
I don't know if I'm settled on trust, but Maybe Also.
Speaker 1: 13:45
I think accountability, like having someone to hold you accountable, like with us over the holidays, like just messaging each other about the food, like I'm so proud of myself I basically like only fully indulged on Christmas Eve and like I feel so good coming back. I'm like at the same rate and I feel so good. But us like even the small things. I'm like yo girl, like there's donuts and cookies all over the counter right now and you're like have a sparkling water, like replace it, you know, and like just us talking. Like when we're in those moments of like triggers or when we're in those moments of like 100%, not not being an integrity and saying what we said we were going to do, like leaning on each other is so helpful. So I hope that, like, other people can have that like type of support system or could find someone that is on that similar journey to support them, because it's so freaking helpful for us.
Speaker 2: 14:39
Accountability with everything is just so good and I feel like, yes, with you. Know, if you're trying to change your eating habits, you're trying to eat a more nutritious diet, you're trying to lose weight, whatever accountability for that is great. I mean working out like I'm working out now with a trainer that I used to work out with here before I when I was here during COVID, and I went this morning and it's like I'm not skipping right, like that's not even an option, like there's no chance that I'm not going to go unless I wake up to like being extremely ill or something you know like. I am going, I am absolutely accountable because I have no other options. And I was thinking about that today. I'm like, oh yes, like when I used to go to classes, like if you can't get a trainer, I didn't have a trainer for years but like that's why I like to go to classes at the gym, because, like, you're getting charged, like you're going, you know it's accountability, like you have to go. You're showing up, you said you would be somewhere, so I'm just thinking about, like how can I bring that into other places in my life? I mean, that's why we love coaching. Coaching is exactly that. And accountability, you know, partner or mentor, like that's what it is, someone that you're meeting with regularly, working towards goals, that's just it. That's the answer.
Speaker 1: 16:05
Get a coach.
Speaker 2: 16:07
Yeah, the best, the best when you can meet someone with someone ongoing. You know, it's like it's just so nice to be like. This is what I'm, but it doesn't even have to be a coach, like it could be. I mean, you just did this amazing mastermind is that over?
Speaker 1: 16:20
No, we have one more month left. Yeah, it's been amazing to have those people, just like it's almost they help me create trust in myself, but because they're also they're holding me accountable, it's like because I have to show up somewhere and I have to do the thing that I said I was gonna do, and they're holding me to it and it's like it's just having support. Having support is so important because it's hard to do this stuff on our own, Like it's really it can be really challenging. I don't wanna call that in. It's easy to do stuff alone. Me always rewiring my brain. I love it, I love it. But, yeah, man, trust in yourself, especially in this new year, 2024, we have all of these things that we wanna do, especially us in our life. It's like let's be proud of ourselves at the end of the year and like feel so good of all the things that we did because we're so capable, like everyone that's listening to this podcast is so capable of going and getting the things that are on their vision board, on their manifestation list, like I think it's also about doing the things you said that you were gonna do. Like even if that feeling it feels super uncomfortable Like there's a lot of things on my list that I'm really scared and uncomfortable to do, but I know I'm capable of it. I think it's believing also that you're capable of doing the things that you wrote, like whatever on your vision board or whatever your manifestation list.
Speaker 2: 17:58
Yeah, and I think that taking a little stuff of progress every day it's so easy, you know, when you're thinking and sitting down making a vision board, doing a list of goals, like, okay, I wanna do these 20 things this year, you know, and you can just go dream big, dream big, dream big. But it's a whole other thing to actually get those things and if you're taking one small step, because you know you can have these lofty things. But one small step, accumulated 365 days, is a lot of freaking progress you know, yeah, that just inspired me.
Speaker 1: 18:38
I was talking to my sister. I'm like what's one thing you wanna remove this year? Should we do something 365 days? That's hard. Do we even wanna do that? No, I don't.
Speaker 2: 18:50
I wanna commit to that, like taking something out of your life.
Speaker 1: 18:55
No, or like, yeah, well, she's like I need to stop drinking soda. I'm like, okay, just cut out soda for this year. It's pretty hard, but you know, just thinking about like what is? If there was one thing that we could do that was gonna contribute to our dream version of ourself in 2024, one thing we had to do every single day that would help get us in alignment of that version, what would it be and why?
Speaker 2: 19:23
Okay, for me I'm gonna say primarily stop scrolling on my phone. Okay, how do we every single day and not like I'm never gonna be on social media, but like I go on social media for a purpose either at being my business, you know posting something, doing something for Mindfully Moody, maybe looking for inspiration, ideas of something I'm trying to? I want to go get back into Pinterest. Like, let me get you know, on like some sort of visualization vibe. I actually am creating like a IG real vision board right now. But yeah, like not just, like you know, pressing the thing, scrolling the phone, like I think that if I was able to remove that from my life, that I would be closer to living my dream life Because I wouldn't be spending my time doing something that like drains my energy With the scrolling thing.
Speaker 1: 20:31
It's do you ever like talk to people and they're like I'm not on social media? And like I'm like what, what would life be like if I wasn't on social media? Like just not having an identity, of not like of being on social media. Like, imagine the time. I mean, I feel like those people are on other things, like they're on they're on Reddit or like they're on YouTube or something, probably.
Speaker 2: 20:54
But like I know why can I like not, but I'm like you're lying, like actually my brother is not on social media anymore.
Speaker 1: 21:01
He that's crazy yeah.
Speaker 2: 21:04
He was like I was just doing way too much of it and he's been off for almost a year and I know what he's doing instead reading the news. It's like isn't? That stressful Okay.
Speaker 1: 21:15
So what can you do, like what are you going to be able to do in order to contribute to that daily? I'm challenging you here.
Speaker 2: 21:23
I think one of the main things that I have to do and this is like sometimes feels like almost hard to do in some way but because I like to have some freedom, but like I need to have things that I'm doing in the evening that like and I a lot of times my evenings are taken up with, like you know, I have class or where recording, or maybe I'm going out and doing something with my mom, or Reza and I are going out on a date or whatever, but there are like maybe two, two to three days a week, depending on the week. You know that I don't have anything planned in the evening and then I'll just end up, like on my phone, you know, and it's like I can have an evening at home without being on my phone for two hours.
Speaker 1: 22:13
You know what I?
Speaker 2: 22:13
mean yeah, so I think that I need to have like ideas of things that I can do, or even, like you know, sometimes you put on a show and it's like let me just watch the damn show. Why am I like also scrolling at the same time? You know what I mean. So totally.
Speaker 1: 22:32
That's like. Actually, I feel like I'm having an epiphany here. This is so good Cause. It's like, if you think about your Monday through Friday routine and this is the same for me usually sometimes I'm out doing stuff, but if I'm at home it's like I'm probably watching a show and I'm probably scrolling and like that's the routine. So, like if we're able to shift the routine and like do something new, you know, like what? What is the routine that you want to create? Is it like I want to take a bath every day after work? Like that? That sounds freaking nice. Do you have a bath?
Speaker 2: 23:04
No, I don't. Isn't that devastating? Oh sad. I know it's sad, it's really sad, but I mean I can still what is the gap? Yeah, I can still do things like. One of the things that now I'm going to start trying to do as soon as I go back to work on Tuesday is you know, I've been doing a lot of AM meditations. Oh, I just said it like that I literally never catch me in the AM, I never see, like, but also I want to do some PM meditations and I want to like do it right when I get home, because I think that that will help me just kind of. I did it a few times last week before the holidays and it was like such a nice, like, kind of I don't know just interruption. You know, like you, well, you don't go. I was gonna say you know when you get home from work no, you don't, and I didn't know this for a long time either because I was working from home. But like, when you're working in person, you know and you get home, you know that feeling of like like I'm finally home, you know, and you just want to kind of fall on your couch and like be on your phone, like, how do I interrupt that? Like, instead of falling on my couch, I sit in front of my altar and turn on a meditation.
Speaker 1: 24:24
Yeah, that's really good, you know placement.
Speaker 2: 24:27
And then I'm more likely to want to do more things to nourish myself that night, because I kind of interrupted my routine, you know.
Speaker 1: 24:36
Yep, yep, so I love that.
Speaker 2: 24:39
Yeah, okay what about you. What is your thing that you need to? How are you going to build trust with yourself? What's one?
Speaker 1: 24:49
Yeah, this is hard. I think I'm between two, like one, what's coming up is like some sort of daily gratitude practice, like maybe where it's like written down or meditation, like, and I feel like I say this, it's like my higher self wants to meditate every single day, but like it just doesn't happen. You know, there's just things that like I try my best or I like sit in my bed and silence and like trying to just like focus, but like I feel like if I was able to go to my altar right when I wake up every single morning and even sit for one minute, but like the block that I'm having, it's like it gets laziness or something. It's like, oh, I don't feel like doing it, but if I know that it's going to make me feel better, okay, I was having that too for a long time.
Speaker 2: 25:44
And for me what helped? Because now I am going to my altar. I've been not doing this as well on my time off, but when I was working like the last few weeks that I was working I was so committed to meditating every day in the morning because I was doing a guided meditation. So it was like I just knew that I was going to do that. Like that's the first thing that I'm doing. Well, I have that like five minute journal and I do that in the morning, and then I'm going right to my altar. And it was like because I had like a plan of what I was going to do. I don't know, it just helped me be more consistent with it, so maybe you should try guided.
Speaker 1: 26:22
Yeah, I also like the idea of habit stacking. Like maybe it's like I feel like if I do, gratitude sounds easier to commit to, like just saying like I had a gratitude journal but Jimmy ripped it up. He wasn't, he wasn't seeing his name in there, one enough, so he said bye-bye. Oh my God that's so funny. But I think what I'm going to do is I think I like to make it fun. I love to make it fun. Okay, I'm going to create a gratitude bucket and I'm going to put it on my altar and then I'm going to have a little piece of paper, make it real easy on myself and I'm going to write things that I'm grateful for, if I want to do just one and put it in there. But I'm going to do that right when I wake up, like the moment I step out of bed, go and sit at my altar, write a gratitude and then, if I feel like meditating for a minute or 10 minutes or doing a guided visualization or meditation, and then I'll do it. But I feel like even me just sitting there making it easy is going to help me get there.
Speaker 2: 27:26
I love that. Yeah, how can you make it easy for yourself? You know, like, 100%. I also feel like making it like comfortable has helped me a lot. You know, like, how do you make the experience more comfortable, like now. For so many years I wanted to sit up when I was meditating, and sometimes I still do. But like I love laying down when I'm meditating.
Speaker 1: 27:52
Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2: 27:53
And I get it. You know the yogis. You're closer to God when you're sitting up. I get it okay, but sometimes I want to lay down you know, yeah, I'm tired, so in the morning I'm like I will literally go out with like a fluffy pillow and blanket to my altar and an eye mask and like just meditate for 25, 30 minutes, whatever with my like, completely like in that you know, moment or 10 minutes.
Speaker 1: 28:19
I love that.
Speaker 2: 28:20
If I only have that.
Speaker 1: 28:21
I love that, making exactly what we're talking about like making the experience more fun and more enjoyable. So for me, it's like getting putting my lights on in my room and like lighting a candle I think is also gonna be and then I'm on the ground and now I'm gonna pray, I'm gonna say a morning prayer, like I are. If I'm there, I'm gonna do these things, and I love the fact of like thinking about when it gets hard, when it gets challenging when you're not in your space, how can you do it? So I'm thinking about, like when I'm traveling, like how can I stay committed to that? Like bringing a little notebook or piece of paper to, like you know you can do it anywhere you go.
Speaker 2: 28:58
Absolutely yes. Building the trust. I love that.
Speaker 1: 29:01
Okay, 2024. Let's stay committed to these things. Let's check in with each other.
Speaker 2: 29:07
I love it. I love it. So wrapping it up, what do we have to say? Like, what's the wrap up?
Speaker 1: 29:17
Yeah, just trust yourself. Do the things that you said you were gonna do. Remember your why. Remember why you want that thing in the first place. Find accountability. Find a support system that's gonna help you do the things that you said you were gonna do and be in flow. Be in flow while you're doing those things. Make it more fun and enjoyable so it's easier to get there.
Speaker 2: 29:43
I love it. Thank you for listening. If you enjoy this, leave us a review, share it with a friend. Also, because it is January, we have a free resource for you and it's the perfect time to do it because you are in your new year, new you vibes. We have a free self-doubt workbook overcoming self-doubt workbook for you in the show notes. All you have to do is enter your email. It has exercises, journal prompts, information. So much amazing, Just truth, realness, self-discovery, tidbits for you. So definitely check that out if you're looking for something to kickstart your year, and it's free.
Speaker 1: 30:31
Yes, go get it. Thanks for listening. Talk to you later, bye, bye.