Rewiring Your Subconscious Mind for Success and Self-Love: The Power of Affirmations

Are your subconscious thoughts running the show aka your life and holding you back from the self-love and success you deserve? What if the beliefs you hold about yourself and your potential are quietly working against you without your awareness? Your subconscious mind—the part of your brain that runs behind the scenes—plays a massive role in shaping your thoughts, behaviors, and results.

WE HAVE BEEN THERE- stuck in the same thought loop cycles with no idea how to shift our mindset and exist in our conscious minds. Desiring to feel differently on a day to day basis, to align with a job that makes us feel fulfilled, to trust ourselves, to embody our highest selves…but being stuck.

Now? We have been successful at rewiring our subconscious minds through energy work, the power of affirmations, and a whole lot of PRACTICE. We are living in our divine purpose, with freedom in our daily lives, able to question all of those pesky thoughts that creep their way in vs. turn them into stories that we build our lives around. In this blog, based on our latest podcast episode, we’ll explore how you can reprogram your subconscious mind to align with your goals, cultivate deep self-love, and experience success by using the power of affirmations.

OH and if you’ve ever tried positive affirmations but felt they weren’t working, and you felt like you were just wasting a whole bunch of time…stick around—this post will explain how to truly rewire your subconscious brain and transform your life.

What is the Subconscious Mind and How Does it Shape Your Life?

Imagine your subconscious mind as a computer hard drive, loaded with programs from your early life that dictate up to 95% of your actions and beliefs. Your subconscious mind stores all your experiences, thoughts, and emotional responses. From childhood, we absorb messages from parents, teachers, and society—messages that can form limiting beliefs such as:

  • “I’m not good enough.”

  • “I will never be able to live my dream life.”

  • “Success is only for others.”

  • “I don’t deserve love.”

These subconscious thoughts act like a blueprint, dictating how you see yourself and interact with the world. Left unchecked, they manifest as self-sabotage, anxiety, or a lack of self-confidence.

This is what we both experienced for years. Feeling trapped in our minds, like our own minds had taken us PRISONER. We weren’t aware of our subconscious patterns, we were just fully operating in them. Until we started learning about the subconscious mind and how to rewire our patterns.

Awareness: The First Step Toward Change

The good news? These subconscious beliefs can be reprogrammed. Truly, scientifically reprogrammed! Check out neuroplasticity for a ton more science info on this. The first step is awareness—becoming conscious of the stories running on autopilot. Start by observing your thoughts, especially when challenges arise. Ask yourself:

  • What do I believe about myself in this moment?

  • Is this belief serving me, or is it holding me back?

When you identify those negative patterns, you unlock the door to change.

Clearing Limiting Beliefs: Where Do They Come From?

Most limiting beliefs were not consciously chosen—they were absorbed from experiences, authority figures, or societal conditioning. When you recognize this, you realize that your beliefs are not inherently YOURS. They were passed along to you by someone else and as an adult, they deserve to be questioned.These beliefs often feel so familiar that they seem like facts. But the truth is, they are just stories.

Techniques like journaling, meditation, and inner child work can help you unearth these hidden thoughts and bring them into the light. Once you’ve identified your limiting beliefs, it’s time to replace them with new ones that align with your highest potential.

Replacing and Rewiring: The Role of Affirmations

For years affirmations felt like a waste of time to me, as if my whole life would change by just writing on a piece of paper, “I am worthy.” or “I am a millionaire.” etc. etc. BUT I’m here to drop some news to you, affirmations ARE powerful. You just have to do a bit of extra work than just jotting them down in your notebook.

Affirmations are powerful tools to reprogram the subconscious mind—but only if used correctly. It’s not enough to mindlessly repeat statements like “I am confident” if deep down you feel unworthy. The magic lies in combining affirmations with emotions and visualization.

Here are some tips to supercharge your affirmations:

1️⃣ Say it with Emotion:
Feel the truth of your affirmation in your body. Instead of mechanically saying, “I love myself,” imagine what it would feel like if you truly embodied self-love.

2️⃣ Visualize Your Desired Reality:
When you practice affirmations, close your eyes and visualize yourself living as the version of you who already believes in the statement. Visualization bridges the gap between your current reality and the one you desire.

3️⃣ Speak What You Want into Existence:
Rather than focusing on what you don’t want (e.g., “I don’t want to feel insecure”), shift your language to what you do want (e.g., “I am confident in every situation”). Your subconscious mind responds best to positive phrasing.

Meditation and Visualization: Deepening the Practice

Incorporating meditation into your affirmation practice can help quiet the mind and open space for new beliefs. During meditation, your brain enters theta waves, a state similar to when you’re falling asleep—making it easier to plant new subconscious patterns and access neuroplasticity .

  • Guided Visualizations: These meditations walk you through scenarios aligned with your goals, helping you feel as though they are already your reality.

  • Breathwork with Affirmations: Inhale deeply while saying your affirmation mentally. Exhale and release any tension or doubt. This practice helps you embody the energy of your affirmations in the present moment.

Mindset Shifts for Lasting Self-Love and Success

As you reprogram your subconscious mind, your relationship with yourself will naturally shift. You’ll begin to build self-trust by aligning your inner thoughts with your external actions. Over time, these new beliefs will become second nature, empowering you to:

  • Approach life’s challenges with confidence.

  • Foster healthy relationships built on self-worth.

  • Pursue your dreams without fear or hesitation.

Remember, transformation is a journey. For us, this took TIME. Time and practice. But the journey is so worth it! The more you practice speaking and feeling your affirmations, the more your subconscious mind will begin to believe them—and ultimately, manifest them in your life.

Go listen to our podcast episode on Mindfully Moody for more.


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